So now what? Good question ....... haven't the foggiest. I dare say I'll figure it out eventually. I went to the Networked Blogs app. and registered this blog, and lo and behold a page came up with the feed from this blog.
Wonderful but then as soon as I clicked on 'home' it disappeared back into the ether and I have no idea where it is, how to access it or what to do with it.
The intention was to have the feed from this blog link with the new page but I've no idea how to do that - so if anyone can enlighten me as to what I should do I will be very grateful! I've installed a badge so you can get there from here, so that bit worked!
I'm delighted that the weather finally feels like spring and I've been looking out happily on my garden which is starting to sprout and show some colour.
I'm frustrated though, because just in time for the nice weather my lower back muscles went into spasm and I can barely move without a lot of pain. I feel like Mrs Overall (or more accurately the ancient waitress in the Victoria Wood sketch with the 'two soups sir') as every time I stand up I'm bent almost double and have to slowly and painfully stretch my back to get upright! So I can only garden standing up which is a little limiting to say the least. I guess I can plant some seeds into seed trays but most of the flower seeds I plan to sow directly into the troughs they will grow in so that will have to wait until I can move around a bit better.
This also means I can't get on with the decorating either - I think that was what set it off.
So I'm being fairly lazy and self indulgent and have eaten a whole packet of Chocolate Hobnobs since Saturday.
I have however managed to do a little jewellery making. I need to have 10 necklaces, with bracelets and/or earrings to match ready for the 4th June for Arteria, the gallery I blogged about a while back. I've made two bracelets and a neckace and a pair of earrings in the last couple of weeks but I need to get a move on and do the rest of them soon. I'd love to get some stock made for my Folksy shop too but it will have to wait until I finish doing the gallery stock.
Here is a photo of the latest necklace I made

Thanks for being a pioneer - for me at least. Facebook gives me mild willies - I've posted only for it to disappear not long after, so I am really interested to hear how your blog page goes! I hope you find it again...
Gorgeous necklace - I really love the colours and the swirly shapes. The earrings are also rather cool.
Good luck with your 10 sets : )
Hope that your back improves, I like the matching set of necklace and earrings.
Just "stumbled" in from your Facebook page. I was in the process of "liking" your page from Artfire!!! (I get around a little bit) Love your bracelet. Will check out your website when I get a chance. Visit me on Facebook or Artfire via my website:
Have a great day.
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